Updated Neighborhood Convents, By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation
The Running Man Community Association (RMCA) is governed today by seventeen slightly different versions of the convenants that resulted from how the neighborhood evolved. These different versions make management of the neighborhood challenging. Consequently, in 2017 the RMCA Board began the effort to consolidate and update the covenants. This effort proved to be a daunting task since it became evident this effort must also include updating the neighborhood's Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws as well.
The process of completing this task involved many hours of work by both former and current HOA Board members over the years. The HOA Board completed the work in close coordination with the legal firm of Gordon, Rees, Scully, and Mansukhani (GRSM) to ensure the board's work consistent with all the Virginia Laws. All three updated documents; Articles of Incorporation, Covenants, and By-Laws were submitted to and approved by York County in compliance with York County Codes 24.1-496, 497, and 498 in December 2023.
The final step in the process is gaining approval of the new governing documents by 75% of the neighborhood homeowners. To achieve this, the RMCA posted the three new documents on the Running Man website for review. All seventeen versions are also posted on our website for your comparison. Any questions resulting from your review can be sent to RMCA.eric@gmail.com.
In addition to consolidation, some new features added to the covenants are:
Prohibition of short-term rental of properties to preclude home conversions into Air B&B properties
No usage of neighborhood properties for commercial distribution
Restricts neighborhood drone usage to only common areas with the exception for real estate for home sales
Establishes a mechanism for Association acquisition and ownership of property for the benefit of the neighborhood
What happens next? The RMCA Board will schedule a series of open house meetings in March and April in the clubhouse to answer any questions you have regarding the draft documents. Since we are changing the legal governing documents that dictates how the neighborhood is managed and must be filed with York County, per Virginia Law, all proxy votes must be notarized. Thus we will endeavor to have a notary present at these open house meetings should you be ready to vote by proxy at that time. The board will schedule and announce a "special meeting" for the purpose of voting on the governing documents sometime in May 2024. The Board will continue to collect proxies and host special meetings until the requisite 75% of the neighborhood votes in the affirmative to make the proposed governing documents adopted.
Please take time to review the new proposed documents.
RMCA Board of Directors