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The President's Pen (May 2017)

Dear Neighbors,

First, I would like to give a big Thank you to Mrs. Angela Reeves on behalf of the neighborhood for all she did in making this year’s yard sale a smooth success!

Next I would like to share with you an opportunity to help plan the future of our county – and by extension potentially aid community. The York County Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from County citizens interested in serving on the York County Planning Commission to fill upcoming at-large vacancy. York County citizens interested in applying for possible appointment to the Planning Commission may apply online at, select “Fast Finds” and “Apply for a Board/Commission.” Applications also are available by calling the County Administrator’s Office at (757) 890-3320.

The Planning Commission serves as an advisory body to the Board on planning and development issues affecting the County. It is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Board on rezoning and Special Use Permit applications, proposed amendments to development ordinances or policies, and other development approvals that require action by the Board of Supervisors. In addition, the Commission is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Board on the County’s Comprehensive Plan.

The Planning Commission is made up of seven members, including one from each election district and two at-large members. The length of term for appointees is four years. The Commission meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in Yorktown, and meetings are televised on York County Cable Channel 46.

For more information about the Planning Commission, please visit or call the Planning Division at (757) 890-3404.

Again, this is our neighborhood, and our county, and your involvement can only make us better!


Eric Todhunter

RMCA President

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