2020 Annual Meeting Open House Tomorrow
The 2020 Annual meeting (Open House) will be held tomorrow (12/13) at the RMRA Clubhouse from 12-4PM. That timeslot is open for questions about the annual slides, proxy voting, etc. Based on the governor’s recent executive order, access during the meeting timeslot at the RMRA clubhouse will be limited to 25 people at a time (in order to comply with EO-67) and will be held as an Open House. We also look forward to those interested in volunteering to help serve our community in 2021. Please come and drop off your proxy votes. Thank you.
The 2020 Annual Meeting slides have been posted to the RMCA website. Additional information for the annual meeting will be sent to residents in the near future via mail. A link to the slides is located on "Dues & Budget" page here: https://www.runningmancommunity.org/dues
or via the following link: https://22bd9fec-24a1-4d6a-bac8-0c5d9560b960.filesusr.com/ugd/92bd6c_c669206830f34b999733c898ba293722.pdf